When I first thought of the idea back in August for a rave in Farnham, with there being an abundance of students and a distressing lack of nightlifeI knew it would have a good reception from the student population as the rave would refreshingly fill the gap in the recreational market that Farnham has so many holes in. So with this idea in mind I got to thinking about how I would go about promoting this rave. Initially I told people who I thought would be interested in the rave about it's potential future fruition, the reaction I always got from people was positive and in some cases ecstatic. But word of mouth and collecting peoples phone numbers can only go so far, to achieve the largest market possible I knew I would have to incorporate social media into our promotion strategy. Unfortunately our inclusion of social media was responsible for both our fleeting success of relevancy within the conservations of Farnham students and also our terminal fate of establishment intervention....
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